The five greatest changes you can make to lead a more advantageous, more content and more life are:
stopped smoking
be physically dynamic regular
eating sound sustenances
limit liquor
get enough rest.
Roll out your sound improvement now
Get thoughts and help in our Healthy Living segment:
apparatuses to survey your wellbeing dangers (smoking, nourishment, weight, liquor, physical action and medications)
sound weight tips for kids, grown-ups and amid pregnancy
tips for good dieting and being dynamic
sound personality tips for taking care of your mental prosperity.
What's your positive development? Let us know!
Openly focusing on rolling out improvements can help you stay spurred and get results. Offering your solid living changes to other South Australians can likewise inspire them and make a more beneficial state. Post your positive development on our Facebook (opens in another window) page, we'd affection to get notification from you!
Need assistance to roll out your sound improvement?
Help is accessible when you require it.
For help with stopping smoking call the Quitline on 13 78 48 or visit Quit SA (opens in another window).
Visit Healthy Weight Guide (opens in another window) for thoughts and apparatuses for eating more advantageous and being dynamic.
For help with lessening your liquor consumption visit the Drug and liquor administrations page or call the Alcohol and Drug Information Service (ADIS) on 1300 13 1340.
Figure out how to Be Active (opens in another window)
Consider our Get Healthy Information and Coaching Service (opens in another window) for phone based way of life guiding.

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